HAIB Monthly Ukraine Peace Prayer

HAIB Monthly Ukraine Peace Prayer

The teacher/leader for our HAIB monthly meditation for peace on March 27, 2022, at 5:30- 6:30 pm will be:

Therese Fitzgerald
She trained for eight years at the San Francisco and Tassajara Zen Centers and then with Thich Nhat Hanh for fifteen years. She was ordained as a Dharma teacher by Thich Nhat Hanh in 1994. Therese lives on the island of Maui, where she is a Dharma teacher and a hospice chaplain.


5:30 p.m. Introduction - Poranee Natadecha-Sponsel

5:35 p.m. Inspiration for Meditation with some guidance -Therese Fitzgerald

5:45 p.m. Silent Meditation- Therese Fitzgerald

6:05 p.m. Questions & Responses and/or Dharma Discussion

6:25 p.m. Closing with the Metta Sutta

Please register for the event below

In appreciation of the teacher/leader of March Meditation you may consider a dana opportunity as follows:

Checks can be made payable to "Dharma Friends" and sent to:

Dharma Friends
649A Kumulani Drive, Kihei, HI 96753.

Or make your contribution via Square:


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