About Us
Our Mission
Unity in diversity of all Buddhist traditions and practitioners to come together for mutual support, respect, and learn from each other based on interdependence and promote Buddhist principles in daily life.
The Hawaii Association of International Buddhists (HAIB) came into being, in January 1992, with the purpose of:
(1) Fostering friendship and understanding among all Buddhist groups;
(2) Securing solidarity among them by the realization of the essential unity of all Buddhist schools;
(3) Promoting the development of spirituality for improving the quality of life among Buddhists as well as humanity as a whole;
(4) Organizing programs for the achievement of peace and harmony through Buddhism's benign spirit of loving-kindness (METTA), compassion (KARUNA), sympathetic joy (MUDITA), and equanimity (UPEKHA), and the pursuit of happiness and well-being for all humankind.
We further agree upon the following objectives:
(1) To practice the Buddhist way of life with emphasis on tolerance, non-violence, and peaceful and harmonious relations among individuals, families, groups, communities, and the world at large;
(2) To provide facilities and guidance for the practice of meditation of the various Buddhists traditions, for purifying the mind, and contributing to inner and outer peace of humankind at the individual and other levels mentioned above;
(3) To promote cooperation among all Buddhist traditions at the intra-and international levels throughout the world;
(4) To propagate high standards of ethical and moral behavior by organizing appropriate programs and projects for the advancement of social, economic, educational, cultural, and humanitarian purposes.