HAIB Monthly Ukraine Peace Prayer (Every 4th Sunday, June 26)

HAIB Monthly Ukraine Peace Prayer

The teacher/leader for our HAIB monthly meditation for peace on June 26, 2022, from 5:30- 6:30 pm will be:

Michael Kieran, Rōshi
Michael began Zen training in 1973 at the Koko An Zendo in Honolulu under the guidance of Robert Aitken Rōshi.  Appointed an apprentice teacher by Aitken Rōshi in 1980, he served in that capacity until the mid-1980s, when economic demands and family responsibilities led him to step back from teaching for a number of years.  In 1999, a few years after his return to formal practice, Michael was again appointed an apprentice teacher by Aitken Rōshi's Dharma Successor, Nelson Foster and subsequently received Dharma Transmission from Nelson in 2004. In 2006, Michael accepted the invitation of the Honolulu Diamond Sangha to serve as its primary teacher.

Michael's academic education includes studies leading to an M.A. degree in East-West Comparative Philosophy from University of Hawaii, Mānoa (1977), B.A. degree in Philosophy from Sacramento State University (1973) and an A.A. degree in Refrigeration Technology from Sacramento Community College (1969).

From 1979 until his retirement in 2004, Michael worked as owner and operator of a commercial and industrial refrigeration contracting firm specializing in the design, installation and servicing energy efficient supermarket and food warehouse refrigeration systems.

Michael lives on a two acre farm in Kahalu'u with his wife Teresa Vast, two cats, and twenty-some chickens and is serves as the current president of the Hawaii Association of International Buddhists.


5:30 pm     Introduction --- Poranee Natadecha-Sponsel
5:35 pm     Update on Ukraine humanitarian efforts--- Xiao Yi and Oleksii Savenko
5:40 pm     Bodhisattva’s Response to War --- Michael Kieran, Rōshi
5:55 pm     Silent Meditation (20 minutes)
6:15 pm     Questions and Response
6:30 pm     Closing with Metta Sutta --- Rev. Yuika Hasebe

Dana opportunities can be sent to support the humanitarian efforts for Ukraine at https://tinyurl.com/peaceinukraine

Video recording of the event


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