2021 Dhammacakka Celebration

Watch the replay of the event above

HAIB Dhammacakka Celebration
(Hawaii Association of International Buddhists)

Date: July 24th (Saturday)

Time: 1:00 – 3:00 PM (Hawaii time)
on Zoom

Dhammacakka (Pali) or Dharmachakra (Skt.) means Dharma Wheel. The traditional Dhammacakka celebration commemorates the first discourse by the Buddha to the five ascetics he had practiced with previous to his enlightenment. It is said that one of the five ascetics, awakened immediately upon hearing the teaching of the Middle Way and the Four Noble Truths that the Buddha set forth in this first turning of the Dharma Wheel.


Michael Kieran, HAIB President

Opening chants:

Rev. Takamasa Yamamura (Honolulu Myohoji)  

Lama Karma Rinchen (Kagyu Thegchen Ling)

(Please click here to download/print the chant and recite together)

Venerable Dhammamuni  (Wat Dhammavihara Hawaii)

Keynote Speaker: 

Bishop Kosen Ishikawa
of Jodo Mission of Hawaii:

"Rediscovery of Important Messages from our Past"   


Prof. Thomas Chung, University of Alaska – Vajrayana

Ms. Sunny Bolin – Theravada

Rev. Hirosato Yoshida, Soto Mission of Hawaii – Mahayana

Guided Meditation:

led by Dr. Thanh Huynh


Virtual Bon Dance Lesson


Seeing the True Nature of Reality: A Lesson in Interconnectedness and Drawing