Dhammacakka Celebration 2024

Saturday, Sept. 14, 2024

1:00-5:00 PM

Higashi Hongwanji Mission

1685 Alaneo St., Honolulu, HI 96817


Hawaii Association of International Buddhists celebrates Dhammacakka Day (set in motion of teachings or Turning of Dhamma Wheel) when the three gems of the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha were completed with the Buddha’s first teaching (Dhamma) after his enlightenment and Kondanna understood it completely to be recognized as the first noble disciple (Sangha).

Have you ever wondered how Prince Siddhartha became enlightened after sitting and meditating under the Bodhi tree for 49 days?

How did he finally choose to pursue the “middle way”, rejecting the luxury of the palace and self-denial of the forest dwelling ascetics after six years of wandering in search of answers to the question “Why aren’t people satisfied with their lives in general?”

Come and join us and hear from Dr. Thomas E. Jackson and Dr. Thomas “Toby” Yos from the University of Hawai‘i Uehiro Academy for Philosophy and Ethics in Education (the home of p4cHI)**, learn more about p4cHI's** approach to cultivating thoughtful and aloha conversation, and use this conversational practice to reflect on Buddha's teachings. 


 p4cHI** founder Dr. Thomas E. Jackson will explore the connections between his work, a spirit of wonder, and Buddha's life and teachings in his talk "The Purpose of Wonder in Fulfilling Compassionate Life." 

 Following Jackson’s talk, Dr. Thomas “Toby” Yos  will talk about

Reflections on Living Well:  Learning to Engage in a Practice of Compassionately Thinking Together.

In this workshop, Dr. Toby Yos and youth from his advanced p4c** Hawai‘i ‘Ohana outreach group will demonstrate the practice of p4cHI** conversation.  Using Buddha's Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta as a stimulus for their conversation, the youth will wonder and think about Buddha's teachings. We will end our workshop by reflecting together on what we have observed: Do the practices of p4cHI**, whether they are performed in a school classroom or at a family dinner table, provide a way to live out and to develop skill in Buddha's teachings?

The Program is FREE and open to the Public .  Secure donations online are welcomed.  (https://www.hawaiibuddhists.org/donate). Thank you.

Please register for the event before September 10, 2024: 




**philosophy for children of Hawai‘i (p4cHI) is a nearly half-century old educational approach to empowering children to become compassionate, ethical, reflective, and effective thinkers.

Program Agenda

In Hondo from 1:00-2:20 pm

MC Rev. Eric Matsumoto


1:00 pm     Opening with Vow of Humankind-
Leader  MC
Welcome speech -
Bishop Kenjun Kawawata     

1:05 pm     Chants from;
(Ven. Dhammamuni-video)
Lama Mingma
Bishop Kenjun Kawawata 

1:20 pm       Cultural Performance:

Tai Chi – Moving Meditation
Demonstration -- Corey Wong 

1:30 pm       The Purpose of Wonder in Fulfilling
Compassionate Life
Dr. Thomas E. Jackson

            Reflections on Living Well: 
Learning to Engage in a Practice
of Compassionately Thinking

              Dr. Thomas “Toby” Yos


In Social Hall from 2:30-5 pm
MC Rev Eric Matsumoto

2:30 pm     P4C (philosophy for children)
in action
Dr Thomas “Toby” Yos and his
P4C community


4:30 pm    Refreshments/Networking Q&A


5:00 pm    Closing with Metta Sutta-
Leader  MC


13th Annual HAIB Buddha Day


Mindfulness Classes